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Talented & Gifted

Generation Y is the "nickname" for our millennium which includes anyone born from the 1980's-2000's. There is so much talent in this city and in our generation all of it just hasn't been tapped into or shown little if any attention. So I am opening up a talent/gifted showcase for people in our generation (ages 8/9-22/23) and open it up to everyone in Louisville. With this opening up and offering a mentorship/encouragement movement. Not only to showcase this talent but also as an opportunity to reach out to the younger kids to be their mentors and help guide them into the right direction. Especially since a lot of them may aspire to do or be involved in the things we are already involved in/working on.I am reaching out to everyone in our generation from football players and basketball players with D1 offers and colleges looking at them and everything to local musicians,DJs,college students,artists and young entrepreneurs. I aim to mainly create a more positive persona for our generation and to show that despite all of the craziness that goes on that there are some really amazing and talented people in our generation and to just help get the younger kids and even those in our age group back on track and getting involved in more positive and impactful things so this mindset and postiivity will continue for years to come. Truthfully a lot of them and us really just need someone to look up to and someone who we and they can go to for help or inspiration.

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